
Finding A New Passion: Rowing

“It was a really big learning curve,” Delgado said of starting midway into the fall season. “It was also a lot harder than I expected it to be.”

In her junior fall, Delgado studied abroad in South America, but her semester away from the Black and White did not deter her quick pace of improvement. That spring, Delgado’s hard work was rewarded with a seat in the 2V boat.

“It’s pretty remarkable that she got into the 2V her junior spring,” Bosworth noted. “She didn’t even get a whole year of rowing her sophomore year, and she only rowed half of her junior year. It’s fantastic.”

But for Bosworth, her respect for Delgado is based on far more than just Delgado’s quick rise to varsity level. Most impressive to her is Delgado’s attitude and her commitment to the team.

“She’s continued to bring a lot to the table,” Bosworth said. “The thing about Ariel is that she gets along with everyone. She comes across as very friendly and nice, but she still takes racing very seriously. She’s a very intense competitor and she’s not afraid to give direct feedback to her teammates to make sure they’re making all the sacrifices they need to in order to make the race happen.”


Delgado’s unique combination of unwavering leadership, determination, inexhaustible positivity, and commitment to her Radcliffe community has helped her excel off the water as well.

A Mormon, Delgado is closely involved with her church community. She and Talley, who is also Mormon, help out in a variety of ways.

The church, Delgado feels, helps her maintain a sense of calm.

“I think that it brings a balance to everything that I do,” Delgado said. “Crew can be overwhelming sometimes. When you’re part of a different community it brings a different perspective to everything you do.”

Bosworth also pointed out that Delgado, an English concentrator, has made great strides in her academic career.

“She’s a phenomenal writer,” Bosworth enthused. “Her dissertation is an amazing creative writing project.”

Although Delgado will graduate in two short months, she will leave behind a solid model of success for aspiring Radcliffe athletes.

“I have a ton of respect for her,” Bosworth summarizes. “She’s just that kind of kid—she gets somewhere and she steps up. She’s just an awesome person.”

