
Crimson Earns Top Ranking

During a busy spring break, coeds named best in the nation

“Truth be told, we should have won the regatta. It just was not one of our better weekends,” Johnson said. “You have to give credit to the crews for trying, but the skippers didn’t put it together.”

Sailors contended with particularly foul weather both days, with Saturday seeing driving rain early and dead calm later in the day and Sunday bringing in winds that varied from three to 20 knots.

“Saturday morning was pretty miserable. It was raining pretty hard, and when the rain shut off, so did the mind,” Schubert said. “The river was being a caricature of itself on Sunday.”

In an especially large regatta, 17 schools launched four divisions for 17 races.

Kovacs and Schubert won the C-division with a score of 78, 20 points ahead of division runner-up Brown. Kovacs and Schubert placed out of the top five in only four races and won four.


“We had some shining moments, like [Kovacs] winning his division as a freshman, [but] the other three skippers struggled more than we would have liked and were fairly inconsistent,” Devlin said.

Porter and Schlitz steered the A-division to seventh place.

The A-division won three races, but its final score was sabotaged by a withdrawal from the 11th race following the finish.

Johnson and Lynch took a consistent third in the B-division, winning three and finishing out of the top-10 only once.

In the D-division, Devlin and Dahlman took eighth.

“I think fourth is a solid finish for the BDCCC,” Schubert said. “We have another two months to practice, so our results are going to better.”


The No. 9 women’s team began the week on a sour note but stepped up to finish in the middle of the pack at Tufts on Saturday.

Over Easter weekend the team sailed in two one-day regattas at home—the Emily Wick Trophy on March 26 and, on the subsequent day, the Sloop Shrew Trophy.

The team struggled, finishing eighth of nine teams in the Emily Wick and seventh of seven in the Sloop Shrew.

