
Love Stories

Northrup graduated in 2000 and moved to California to get his Ph.D. in Chemistry at Caltech.

When Gleason visited California to meet Northrup before the two went on a week-long trip to Hawaii, both say they knew they wanted to get married.

But before giving Gleason a real ring, Northrup tricked her by giving her a ring box filled with Sweet Tart hearts.

The couple will be married in Chelmsford, Mass. on July 13. Northrup will continue his studies at Caltech and Gleason hopes to find a job in Pasadena as a history teacher.


Hall Mates

Nisha B. Marks ’02

Dave P. Zacharias ’02

Before they began dating in January of their freshman year, Nisha B. Marks ’02 and Dave P. Zacharias ’02 were spending so much time together that friends began calling them “Daisha.”

The two, who lived across the hall from each other in Matthews that year, say it’s difficult “to pinpoint exactly when” they started dating. The summer after freshman year Marks and Zacharias returned to their respective homes in Washington, D.C. and Reading, Pa. They weren’t deterred by the distance. Every weekend they would take turns driving 150 miles to see each other.

Then they decided that was the last summer they would live apart.

The proposal came last November at Harvest in the Square. Marks says she had a suspicion the question was on the way. She brought a camera to the restaurant just in case.

“I’m not very good at surprises,” Zacharias says.

The wedding is scheduled for Dec. 28 in Washington, D.C. Zacharias will work for a strategy consulting firm in Boston next year and Marks will attend Harvard Law School.
