
Love Stories

This March, Spinowitz took Day back to the playground of the Hebrew School where they first met for a picnic dinner.

“It’s hard to devise a trap to get someone to come to Hebrew School on a Thursday night!” Spinowitz says.

But Spinowitz managed to lure Day to the school and, before dessert, he popped the question.

Day, from Lexington, Mass., and Spinowitz, of New Rochelle, N.Y., worked out a compromise for the site of their wedding. They will be married in Connecticut, halfway between their hometowns, on Oct. 6.

Day plans to teach high school chemistry before attending medical school and Spinowitz will do Israel advocacy work in Boston before attending law school.


UC Proposal

Justin A. Barkley ’02

Melissa G. Ausman

Justin A. Barkley ’02 met Melissa G. Ausman, currently a senior at Tufts, at their high school in Birmingham, Ala. Ausman had just finished class with one of Barkley’s favorite teachers, when he stopped by the classroom to pay the teacher a visit.

As Ausman and Barkley snacked on the teacher’s candy, the teacher began complaining that the pair was eating all of her sweets.

Ausman offered to pay her back, but before the teacher had a chance to accept or decline the offer, Barkley playfully grabbed the money and put it in his pocket.

The two began to “fight” over the money.

“He thought it was funny we were fighting over the money and I think he liked me after that,” Ausman says.
