
Five New Senior Tutors Selected For Next Year

Lewis says large turnover is expected, reflects tutor quality

Current Cabot senior tutor Robert H. Neugeboren will advise and teach in the economics department next year.

Currier House’s new senior tutor, Associate Professor of Anthropology Carole Mandryk, has served as an archeology tutor in the anthropology department and as curator of North American archeology at the Peabody Museum.

“Currier is a really friendly house,” Mandryk said. “My office being right near the front entrance is great. I’m able to see everyone coming and going.”

Lowell House will see John “Jay” Ellison succeed Marshall T. Poe, who was appointed only last year. Ellison holds a degree from the Harvard Divinity School and expects to receive his doctorate from the University in June. He will continue his teaching next year in the Near Eastern languages and civilizations department.

At Kirkland House, Coral Fernandez-Illescas, a native of Spain and currently an assistant master in Rockefeller College at Princeton University, will assume the position from Timothy C. Harte ’90, who will accept a tenure-track position at Bryn Mawr College.


Fernandez-Illescas plans to receive her doctorate in environmental engineering and water resources this spring from Princeton and will teach in Harvard’s Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

—Anne K. Kofol contributed to the reporting of this story.
