
PSLM Turns Focus on Corporation

Earlier this year, PSLM members joined with members of other campus activist groups to revive HarvardWatch-a student-monitoring group formed in the late 1980s.

Members of BGLTSA, the Harvard College Democrats and other students from progressive organizations currently meet once per week, hoping to learn more about the Corporation and ultimately make its proceedings more transparent.

The more he finds out about the Corporation, Bartley says, the more concerned he becomes.


"I am worried about the constitution of the Corporation and how geared it is to people with a limited set of experiences," Bartley says. "There is nothing inherently wrong with being a big businessman, but there are other ways of looking at the world that are not represented on the Corporation. That's something we'll try to change."

PSLM members cite the presidential search process-no students were included in the search committee-as one very visible problem in the University's governance.

"For them to be this incredibly unaccountable is amazing," McKean says.

"They're so used to being able to hide. In the last few years, no one has considered talking to them," Bartley says.

HarvardWatch organizers say they are attempting to establish a base of students to question the existing power structure and push for reforms to make the University's decision-making process more transparent.

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