
PSLM Turns Focus on Corporation

"It was clear after the release of the report in May that the administration on the level of the president and provost considered the issue closed," McKean says. "So we asked ourselves, 'Well, they don't want to do anything, so who's in charge of them?'"

"The Corporation is really in charge of everything. Ultimately, they are the man," he says. "And so we figured we should ask for a meeting with them."

But the students say their attempts to set up a meeting with Corporation members have been unsuccessful and disillusioning.


McKean says he remembers asking Rudenstine whether students could sit in at a Corporation meeting during the president's office hours earlier this year.

Rudenstine simply stared, McKean says, and swirled his tonic water for about 30 seconds before telling McKean that the Corporation usually deliberates alone.

Stymied by the official bureaucracy, the students decided to try more creative ways to reach the seemingly elusive Corporation members.

PSLM members recently held a rally with a "Hunt for the Corporation" theme. They led students from University Hall to Loeb House holding cardboard effigies of Corporation members with the name, company affiliation and net worth of each emblazoned on the head and body.

In February, PSLM members spent a weekend in New York, attempting to track down Corporation members at their homes and offices.

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