
March to the Sea: Keep Dreaming

Maybe this year's Red Sox edition contains role players who can provide the small intangibles. Perhaps Lou Merloni has a game-winning home run in him. Maybe Trot Nixon will cause "Nixon's the One" bumper stickers to be distributed throughout Boston. I think if you rearrange the letters in Izzy Alcantara, you might be able to spell "sweet revenge" (or, "suck it, Boston media").

The bottom line is that the Yankees are the favorites this season, no different than the past five years. They now have Mussina, who most sports fans believed to be the prize of this year's free agent class--even more valuable than Manny. The Yanks probably could have signed Ramirez if they so desired, but chose to go after 'The Moose' because Brian Cashman and Joe Torre understand that pitching wins championships. After all, they've been in the winners' circle four times in the past five years.

You can't argue with success. Unfortunately for Bostonians, you can argue with the Red Sox.


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