
Law School Professors Rest After Election Fury

But he says he was not surprised by the presence of HLS in the election battle.

"It is not unusual in an election this litigation oriented that [HLS] would have such a role," Tribe says.

According to Gerken, Elhauge and Fried's brief helped set the course of the debate.


"The Supreme Court opinion was largely modeled on the brief that [Fried and Elhauge] wrote," Gerken says.

As for Gerken, she says she is not upset that the whirlwind of media attention is over, and is looking forward to returning to the academic lifestyle.

"After a month I was ready to retire to a quiet life where I can write what I want and I don't have to say everything in a soundbite."

--Staff writer William M. Rasmussen can be reached at

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