
Law School Professors Rest After Election Fury

"They couldn't cover it with the dignity they should," she says.

Rise to Fame

Gerken earned stellar academic credentials, graduating summa cum laude both from Princeton in 1991 and from Michigan Law School in 1994. She went on to private practice after serving as a clerk for Supreme Court justice David H. Souter '61.


She never thought that she would become a professor, but HLS's offer proved irresistible and she joined the faculty as an assistant professor last fall.

"This is probably the greatest job on earth," she says. "I keep waiting for someone to come in and tell me they will no longer pay me to do it."

Gerken says she never thought election law would become the center of a firestorm of media attention.

"Election law is sort of a small specialty," she says. "It has only recently been recognized as a serious academic field."

"She didn't think election law would be a hot topic," Armini says. "She just got thrust into the spotlight."

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