"Whether you want to be president or just get a better understanding of how the presidency works," Diaz says, "no one should graduate without taking this class."
--Alex B. Ginsberg
Oh Yes!
Lynn M. Festa began English 146: "Sex and Sensibility in the Enlightenment" on Monday with a couple warnings. There will be both lecture and seminar-style discussion, she said, and don't take the class if you're uncomfortable with pornography.
The coy need not come.
"Sex and Sensibility" browses the back room of the canon to find what was really on early modern minds. Some may say the basics never change--man, woman, etc.--but "Sex and Sensibility" calls out a host of whores, hermaphrodites, and pregnant nuns to bring 18th-century gender perplexity out of the funky armoire.
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