
Primary Turnout Hits Record Low; Kennedy, Robinson Win Easily

Born in the inner city of Boston, Robinson went on to earn degrees from both the Harvard Law and Harvard Business Schools and made a small fortune in the telecommunications industry. He estimates his net worth at about $2 million.

He supports the traditional Republican platform of tax cuts, gun rights and school vouchers.


But after the press revealed a series of embarrassing personal details regarding Robinson's past--including allegations of a drunk-driving arrest and a restraining order issued against him by his former girlfriend--he lost support.

Robinson lost endorsements from both the statewide and national Republican establishment, including the endorsement of Mass. Governor A. Paul Cellucci.

Campaign Struggles

Without the backing of official Republican organizations, Robinson resorted to hiring staffers, out of his own pocket, to gather the 10,000 signatures necessary for his name to appear on the ballot.

But even this did not produce the desired results. The Democratic Party challenged the signatures and Galvin withdrew Robinson's name from the ballot.

The Supreme Judicial Court reinstated Robinson, but not before he spent more than $100,000 on the entire signature-gathering and legal process.

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