
Just the Facts

One officer is working towards a law degree; Union president Wilmon D. Chipman was just admitted to the Kennedy School's public policy program; Officer Amy DiVirgilio will graduate this fall with a master's degree in criminal justice.


HUPD has 51 sworn patrol officers, including 10 women and six minorities. In addition, there are two female supervisors, Patrol Captain Linda McCaul and Sergeant Kathleen Stanford.


Starting salary:

$13-19 per hour depending on experience and previous training.


A panel composed of a patrol officer, a community policing supervisor and a captain, interviews each applicant. They then undergo a background check, including a criminal records check, a physical agility test and a psychological screening. HUPD administrators conduct an oral interview with each applicant who passed the initial round. The job is a non-smoking position.

HUPD Speak:

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