
Just the Facts


HUPD issues each of its officers a Glock.40-caliber pistol for use while on-duty. Officers are not allowed to carry other lethal weapons, although they do carry batons and pepper spray. In the event that heavier firepower is needed, HUPD can call on other police agencies, including the Massachusetts State Police, Boston Police and the Cambridge Police Department (CPD).

Although HUPD issues its officers body armor, it does not require officers to wear the armor while on duty.



HUPD maintains a fleet of around 10 marked Ford Crown Victoria patrol cars and one Chevrolet Blazer, four unmarked cars, one prisoner transport van, two motorcycles and a handful of bicycles.


HUPD officers are trained at the Municipal Police Officers Class (MPOC), south of Boston, where they take a 20-week course, including classes in everything from criminal law to pursuit driving.

While many municipal police departments do not have the time or money for in-service training, HUPD administrators take great pride in having one of the most up-to-date and best-trained police forces in the area.

In fact, HUPD officers have almost a hundred different areas they can request training in, from mountain bike patrolling to diversity training, from interrogation to Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) instructor training.

"As long as you want to learn, they'll try to get it for you," says Officer Andrew T. Gilbert.

One officer is working towards a law degree; Union president Wilmon D. Chipman was just admitted to the Kennedy School's public policy program; Officer Amy DiVirgilio will graduate this fall with a master's degree in criminal justice.


HUPD has 51 sworn patrol officers, including 10 women and six minorities. In addition, there are two female supervisors, Patrol Captain Linda McCaul and Sergeant Kathleen Stanford.

Starting salary:

$13-19 per hour depending on experience and previous training.


A panel composed of a patrol officer, a community policing supervisor and a captain, interviews each applicant. They then undergo a background check, including a criminal records check, a physical agility test and a psychological screening. HUPD administrators conduct an oral interview with each applicant who passed the initial round. The job is a non-smoking position.

HUPD Speak:

CODE 4: Phone Call

CODE 7: Lunch/Dinner Break

CODE 9: Gasoline Refill

CODE 10: Return to the station

CODE 136: Medical transport

CODE 111: Intoxicated person

CODE 209: Domestic Assault

Main Patrol Frequency: 471.0625 Megahertz

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