
Campaign 2000's Other Harvard Man

Tom Ridge '67 began his political career at Harvard. Now, he has a chance to snag the GOP's vice-presidential nomination

Gov. Bush visited Pennsylvania a few times during the primaries, staying at the Governor's mansion after several fundraising events.

According to The New York Times, Ridge and Bush were bunking at the governor's mansion in Harrisburg, Pa., watching televised sports and catching up on old times.


"He's been a friend of mine for a long time," Bush said of Ridge.

"It's a heck of a ride," Ridge told the Times. "I've already got a great job, and I'm going to help my old friend George Bush get elected president. And you know? I think he can carry Pennsylvania without me."

Ridge declined to be interviewed for this article through his press secretary, Time Reeves.

"Since the press has picked up on the vice presidential thing, we have been deluged with requests for interviews," Reeves says.

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