
Campaign 2000's Other Harvard Man

Tom Ridge '67 began his political career at Harvard. Now, he has a chance to snag the GOP's vice-presidential nomination

" He was very studious, quiet--really a very typical guy."

When he wasn't studying or sporting, Ridge was politicking--but locally.

As a first-year, Ridge was a low-key member of the Freshmen Council.


"He was not a controversial member [of the council] at a time when it was very easy to be one," says fellow student leader Richard C. Haskins '67. "He was certainly not one of those standing up on tables shouting down the administration."

Ridge continued his political activities into his upperclass years in Quincy House. At the time, the House had a more traditional character, with many of its residents playing sports and participating in political


Ridge fit in, joining the Quincy House Committee, where he served as secretary his senior year.

In addition, he joined the Undergraduate Council from Quincy.

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