


Interpreting 'The Truth'

To the editors:

M. Patrick O'Donnell (Letters, April 15) in no way mitigates the inappropriateness of his condemnation of homosexuality based on his interpretation of the Bible. The words of the Bible have been used to justify oppression of women, blacks and Jews. O'Donnell should understand that the belief that one has The Truth has been a divisive force throughout the ages.


I recommend Martin Duberman's Cures: A Gay Man's Odyssey to O'Donnell so that he may understand that homosexuality is not a choice (any more than heterosexuality) and that people like Duberman tried a number of unsuccessful "cures" due to the shame he felt about his "sin."

I am grateful for my study of philosophy at Harvard for the ability to attempt to think critically and recommend a course or two to others whose certainty about the truth of their beliefs is a continuing source of astonishment.

Nancy Tobin '49

May 2, 2000

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