


Don't Slight Suffering

To the editors:

While a little tongue-in-cheek humor can bring new perspectives to an issue, Allison A. Melia's editorial notebook trivialized an issue that many Harvard students, contrary to our poor turnout at the protests, actually feel strongly about.


Sacrificing the integrity of the animal rights debate for a cheap laugh--it's the experimented-upon monkeys, and not Harvard students, who are demeaned by Melia's flippant comparison--Melia seems to suggest that "the lack of support" shown by Harvard students somehow invalidates the issue.

On the contrary, the lack of enthusiasm of Harvard students over this perennial concern is only a mark of our apathy and insensitivity. The possible unnecessary suffering of animals is a serious issue, and Melia would have done better to have considered the merits of the protests instead of casually dismissing them.

Matthew B. Sussman '03

May 1, 2000

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