
Report Calls for Dramatic Expansion of Worker Health Benefits, Job Training

Committee rejects living wage proposal

"It's an exactly correct statement," he said. "We have a real difference of opinion on what they're asking for."

Power to the People

Although the report did not officially endorse a living wage, Rudenstine, University administrators and members of the committee all emphasized the profound effect of the living wage campaign on yesterday's decision.


"I personally believe that, had the campaign leaders on campus not pressed their case so thoughtfully, we would not have looked so carefully and broadly at these questions and probably would not have considered such wide-ranging reforms," Rudenstine announced.

"Without the students this would not have happened," said Paul S. Grogan, vice president for government, community and public affairs.

Bill Jaeger, the director of the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers, the University' s largest union, said he was surprised that students had been able to effect real policy changes.

"We're psyched," he said. "Going from nothing to something is always the hardest part, and this is something."

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