
Strawberry Hill Forever

In 1997, the neighborhood came together in an effort to keep its popular postman, Stephen T. Johnson, from having his route changed by the post office.

"We fought like blazes for Steve," Arone says. "He's just like family. He knows everybody by first name."


Johnson's route was ultimately changed from the area east of Cushing Street and the Haggerty School to an area including Corcoran Park and Thingvalla Avenue in the western section of the neighborhood, but he still serves Strawberry Hill residents.

Johnson says he gets very close to the residents he serves.

"You're almost part of their family," Johnson says. "We take care of their pride and joy. If they don't get their mail, they get upset."

Neighborhood spirit is most prominent during a four-day street carnival on Labor Day weekend filled with music and food sponsored by the Santa Lucia Chapel on Cushing Street.

"It's a long tradition within the neighborhood," Haggerty School Principal Joe Petner says. "Many people who have moved out of the neighborhood still want to come back to the festival."

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