

Some Tales From the Great Beyond

Michael: "No. I think that's total Harvard crap."

Mimi: "Met my man freshman week and married him seven years later."

Ashley: "I've never thought this way, but maybe that's part of my problem. I can see that the intimidation factor could be an issue, particularly for women."


Emily: "Yeah, people who are insecure are intimidated. But I'm convinced there are some men out there who don't give a shit. The real problem is that there are very few people in the real world who can hold an intelligent conversation, Harvard grad or not. I never realized how much TV most of the people in the world watch."

Every senior I have talked to is scared and anxious about graduating. What advice would you want to tell them?

Sarah: "I would tell them to be much less concerned about financial security or creating a 'career' for themselves right after college. The first couple of years after college are 'freebies'--it really doesn't matter.

Ashley: "Work for a year or two, then GO BACK TO SCHOOL! The work experience can only help your grad school applications. And work can be fun. It's not like college where you MUST take it home with you."

Emily: "Take your time and don't worry about getting to a certain point at the 'right time.' Get a job before you graduate. And PLEASE don't go back and live at home for more than a few months after you graduate."

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