

Some Tales From the Great Beyond

Did you enjoy Harvard?

Sarah: "Oh yeah. It was the best place, the best time. My best friends are from these years. It was constantly exciting, intellectually challenging. I learned so much and was exposed to so much. I miss it, and that's why I'm back here!"


David: "When I came to Harvard, I knew for sure that I wanted to be rich. When I left, I knew for sure that I wanted to be an investment banker. Five years later, I know for sure that I despise investment banking. For me, Harvard was like a poorly made drink in that I felt good about it only after I was done with it. Why not? I didn't give the bartender (stay with my metaphor here) enough proportion guidance."

Ashley: "YES YES YES!"

Mimi: "Harvard was fun, but hard on my burgeoning artistic sensibilities."

One recent graduate said, "I could only marry someone who went to Harvard, or maybe Oxford. Anyone else would be too intimidated." Is this true for you?

Sarah: Yes. I could only marry someone who was incredibly intelligent. Qualifications help, but are not necessary. Of my last boyfriends, let's see--current one was at Cambridge, previous one was at Cambridge, previous one was at Oxford and…

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