THC: Whoa, talk about a small world.
AS: But it makes sense that we're all in this little world. It just helps to have somebody who understands, somebody who you don't have to explain everything to at the end of every day. You don't want somebody incredibly insecure who doesn't understand what it all means. I just like having someone in my career.
THC: Why did Go fail, Breckin? It was such an incredible movie.
BM: Go was so cool. It was just a damn cool movie. The critics loved it and people come up to me all the time to tell me they loved it. But you know, I have no control over box office. I can't even begin to explain it. All I know is that I haven't liked anything I've done and I can't watch myself-but Go was the first time I watched my own movie and really adored it. I liked myself in it.
THC: Is Tom Green as psycho off camera as on camera?
AS: No way. Absolutely not. He's so low-key and cool. We were nervous he'd come on set and pull crazy stuff on us. But once that camera started rolling...
BM: He'd go nuts. Actually, all day we'd just sit around and make up songs on the guitar in our free time. Some of it actually shows up in the movie. The whole thing was just so chill.