
Oh, The Places They're Going

THC: Oh come on. How many actresses are honest about the fact that if they don't do the love scenes, then they won't get the parts. Does it not bother you at all?

AS: Really? Oh, I mean girls always get the romantic emotional little love scenes. But I disagree. I actually love those scenes. They're intimate and fun. They're no more difficult than others.

THC: Does it bother your respective significant others?


AS: Well, if you have respect for your significant other and they have respect for your art, for those kind of scenes, you don't bring them to the set. They don't want to see it and you don't want to flaunt it in their face, but you have to do what you have to do. It's part of the job.

BM: I've never brought my girlfriend to the set. I mean one of those two times I made out with Ryan whose my best friend so she can watch that all the time (laughs). We've been together five years and she's not the jealous type. She knows it's just a job- she's met Amy. I actually went to high school with Amy's boyfriend.

THC: And your girlfriend is in the business?

BM: Yeah, she's a director. She directed Can't Hardly Wait.

THC: And you, Amy?

AS: I'm dating an actor. Brandon Williams. He was actually in Can't Hardly Wait.

BM: My girlfriend's movie.

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