
Harvard Pledges To Reconsider Knafel Plans

"The current scheme, even with the latest revisions, will not add beauty, stature or vitality to the neighborhood. It will stick out like a sore thumb," said one resident.

Many of the residents who expressed their concerns at Monday's meeting have been involved in the planning process of the Knafel center ever since the University first hatched the idea.

John Pitkin, the head of the Mid-Cambridge Neighborhood Association, has met monthly with University representatives to discuss neighborhood development for over 10 years.


On this project, he said the University has acted very well.

"I think the University has given in the right direction. Their intentions are honorable, their representatives have said all the right things," Pitkin said.

But according to Pitkin, the proposed building still fails the test of appropriateness.

"Your board has been given great flexibility," Pitkin told the MCNDC. "And with this flexibility comes the responsibility to turn down this proposal. The building is not appropriate to the neighborhood."

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