
Harvard Pledges To Reconsider Knafel Plans

During the next hearing before the MCNDC--scheduled for the end of the month--Harvard representatives said they plan to continue the dialogue. But they do not expect to ask for the conclusive vote.

"We have to make sure that we don't rush through this part of the process when we have spent so long listening and trying to respond to neighbors' concerns," said Mary H. Power, director of community relations at Harvard.


The six-member board of the MCNDC has the authority to rule on the "appropriateness" of all major construction within its district. The broad mandate leaves the board with jurisdiction over everything from the appearance of proposed buildings to the impact they will have on a neighborhood's "economic vitality."

On Monday, board members reviewed concerns over the Knafel Center's size, its possible effects on the neighborhood and the increased traffic it might bring.

However, much of the discussion was centered on less concrete elements of the proposed building.

"I don't love this building. I don't love it and I'm not going to love it," said John Moos, the chair of the MCNDC. "The question is: Does that make it inappropriate?" he asked.

To many area residents who spoke to the board earlier in the meeting, the answer was clear.

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