
Politics or Prejudice? An Incident at the Temple Bar

"I felt undermined that this charge had been made representing me, without my knowledge," one member told the board.

Before the meeting ended, the approximately thirty APALSA members in attendance passed two resolutions. One called for an official APALSA boycott. The other asked that formal proceedings against Temple be pursued through the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, the state agency charged with investigating charges of discrimination.

The group voted that the Temple Bar acted with "insensitivity" and "extreme rudeness."


Only one member, Sue Perng, voting to call the actions "racism."

For the Defense

Meanwhile, bar patrons are rallying in support.

Sienna R. Owens '00, who brought College seniors to the bar, is now organizing a petition.

Owens said signers of the petition affirm, in writing, "I am in full support of Temple....I've never experienced or seen racism or discrimination occur at either bar."

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