
Politics or Prejudice? An Incident at the Temple Bar

Finally, 25 minutes after they entered the bar, the group was seated. Perng then asked to the see a manager.

Out of earshot to her friends, Perng told Sheerin that she was disappointed in the restaurant's treatment of her friends. She said she asked why the group was being treated differently.

In an e-mail message to the Crimson, Perng wrote that Sheerin said the group "looked young and that he was doing us a favor by seating us. He insisted that he did not have to seat us. He did not apologize for our wait or our different treatment."


Sheerin says that Perng charged him with discrimination during the exchange, though Perng denies doing so.

"I felt that they were very rude and haughty," Perng wrote in the e-mail. "The manager had the same rude attitude."

Sheerin admitted that he "wasn't as nice as I probably should have been, because I was upset."

Perng said the group then decided to leave.

They went to another bar, where they spent approximately $300 on appetizers and drinks, three APALSA members confirmed.

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