
Historian Pedersen to Assume Amorphous but Powerful College Post

Whenever major curricular reforms are in the works--from the 1997 rethinking of Core requirements to required Quantitative Reasoning courses instituted this year--the dean of undergraduate education is at the heart of the discussions.

There are many qualities that are necessary for a good dean, say various administrators. They say Pedersen was an excellent match.

"The dean needs sound academic judgment, since one of the responsibilities is serving with other Academic Deans to advise the Dean of the Faculty on appointments and promotions," he adds.


"The dean needs vision, tact, persuasiveness and an enthusiastic commitment to undergraduate education," Knowles says.

Both deans say that Pedersen will do a wonderful job as dean. She has both the necessary experience and temperament for the job, they say.

"When you meet Professor Pedersen you'll understand why I'm sure that she'll make an outstandingly good dean of undergraduate education," Knowles writes in an e-mail message.

Besides her colleagues' enthusiastic endorsement, Pedersen has her own reasons for accepting the position.

Having gone through Harvard as an undergraduate, Pedersen says she has many views about education here.

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