
Historian Pedersen to Assume Amorphous but Powerful College Post

When Pedersen left Minnesota to attend college in Cambridge she never returned. She has been at Harvard ever since her days as a social studies concentrator in Dunster House.

During her time as undergraduate, Pedersen says her academic interests were varied. She took classes in everything from African politics to Russian literature.


"I had one of those transcripts that has courses in probably 15 different departments," she says.

But history was to be Pedersen's love and destiny.

After graduating summa cum laude, Pedersen also received her master's and doctoral degrees from Harvard.

An expert in European studies, particularly economic development and gender, Pedersen is teaching History 10b: "Western Societies, Politics, and Cultures: From 1650 to the Present" this year.

This semester, Pedersen is teaching only half-time (she recently had her second child), but has not diminished the number of senior theses she advises.

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