
IOP Students Want Louder Voice in Decision-Making

Before, Kennedy School of Government Coordinator of Student Programs Anne K. Aaron was the "first line of contact for students," said SAC member Kathleen E. Campbell '00.

Recently, however, there has been an effort to "diversify" communication between staff and students. Now, communication is directed through the staff members in charge of special programs, study groups and other areas of the IOP in addition to Aaron, Campbell said.

SAC member Trevor D. Dryer '00 said he thinks the changes have not hurt student-staff relations.


"The transition happened, and I don't have any serious concerns," Dryer said.

Lang added that, while new staff members may not feel completely comfortable with the recent changes, those problems will probably be worked out over time.

SAC member Aneesh V. Raman '01 said changes will take time.

"To expect that the implementation [of the consultant's recommendations] would be done by now is ridiculous," Raman said.

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