
Mamet Cryptic About Book's Message

In his fax, Mamet said he had declined interview requests thus far because reporters did not have a significant appreciation of a major theme of postmodern theater.

"[Reporters had an] insufficient sense of the absurd," Mamet wrote.


In the story, Henrietta is rejected because she has no credentials save for an "honest and inquiring mind."

Henrietta then studies in the University's libraries until she is "discovered one too many times" and barred permanently, a "No Pigs" sign hung over a gray and forbidding door.

But like Frankfurter Professor of Law Alan M. Dershowitz, Mamet--who is also the author of several screenplays including Wag the Dog (1997)--downplayed any political message that might be directed towards Harvard in his book.

"What controversy," Mamet wrote.

And when asked if writing the book was a nice change of pace from his usual serious body of work, the master of minimalism responded, "No."

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