
The Long View: Bush, Gore Set Sights on November

Too Early To Handicap

Although Gore's relatively easy ride through the primary season might make him appear to be ahead of the game now, it's far too early to even pick a favorite for the general election.

Bush won the support of women and minorities as governor of Texas, and he may repeat that feat nationally. If successful, Bush would not only find himself winning moderate voters, but he would gain some of the traditionally Democratic vote as well.


Additionally, McCain's attacks on the Republican establishment--particularly the Christian right--might compel the Republican Party to reform itself and go after a larger spectrum of voters.

"Many people thought that [McCain's attacks] was a message that the Republican Party needed to hear," Walt said. "I think he's been tremendously good for the Republican Party."

With Election Day still months away, the small advantages of today might become irrelevant come November.

"I've learned never to be confident of my forecasts," Walt said. "Michael Dukakis had a 17-point lead at one point, and we all know how that election turned out."

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