
The Long View: Bush, Gore Set Sights on November

Thus far, McCain said he has no plans to run with Bush.

Even if McCain decides to drop out of the presidential race entirely, he can still help the Republican Party by endorsing Bush.

On the other hand, silence from McCain or--worse yet--continued criticism of Bush and the Christian right might paralyze Bush's attempt to win moderate votes.


Recently, Bush told Fox News that he would hope to hear from the McCain campaign and hopes the pair can put all animosity behind them.

Whether McCain is ready to do this is uncertain.

Toughening Up

Contested presidential primaries are not all bad for the eventual winner. Most political pundits believe that facing a challenge in the primary may toughen a candidate and his campaign, making him more successful in the general election.

Stephen Walt, Kirkpatrick Professor of International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government, said that an easy primary victory might actually hurt a candidate's chances in November.

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