
Gore, Bush Seal Nominations With Huge Wins

McCain wins four N. Eng. states; Bradley boxed out

"I'm going to work for them until we win, and we will win," he said resoundingly.

Bradley declined to say whether he would withdraw, though one top adviser told The Crimson last week that a poor showing yesterday would spell doom for his nomination. Bradley will meet today with top campaign managers and key financial supporters to decide his next course of action.


As the first returns came in, the expected Gore sweep became apparent. In nearly every demographic crucial for Democrats, Gore's margins of victory were large.

In California, Gore took nearly nine out of 10 black and Hispanic votes and more than seven of 10 white votes.

Bush's victory showed similar strengths across the board.

While McCain won the majority of independent votes, Bush received 63 percent of all Republican votes. McCain received only 32 percent.

Even among veterans, Bush prevailed, winning by 51 to 43 percent. McCain had banked upon support by veterans and never failed to remind voters that he was a prisoner of war for five and a half years in Vietnam.

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