
Hunt Woos Important Visitors to Harvard

When a high-profile visitor arrives, Hunt also helps with security arrangements.

The Best Autograph Book

Perhaps most important of Hunt's duties is as keeper of the guest book.


Every time an important national or international visitor comes to Harvard, the first stop is usually Hunt's plush and ornately decorated office. Each visitor then signs the official guest book, of which there are eight or nine volumes that date back 30 or 40 years.

"They're an autograph collector's dream," Hunt says.

The most interesting signature, he says, is that of Jiang Zemin, the president of China.

"Jiang Zemin took the entire page," Hunt says. "He said, would we mind if he used a brush. His signature looked like calligraphy in Chinese."

"The interesting thing is that the day before, [Vice President] Al Gore was here and signed his name very little. Jiang Zemin noticed that he took the whole page and Vice President Gore signed much smaller, but said, 'It's because our country China is much bigger,'" he adds.

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