
Hunt Woos Important Visitors to Harvard

"The University Marshal's office handles visits from international visitors who come on an official basis and very regularly," Hunt says. "It is our responsibility to set up appointments so they can meet people."

All outside speakers at the Kennedy School of Government (KSG) pass through the marshal's office on their way to the ARCO Forum--in addition to visitors at any of Harvard's other eight tubs.

His office also sends out all invitations to national and international figures asked by individual schools or professors to visit Harvard.


"It may not seem very complex, but it is," Hunt says. "It involves being sure an invitation that goes out is not going to conflict with an invitation that is outstanding."

Hunt's office is welcoming to all, he says. Because it serves merely as the clearing house for coordinating and sending invitations to prospective visitors, it doesn't take political positions.

"If a group wishes to invite someone, our policy is to be hospitable and to arrange meetings," Hunt says. "Our main goal is to be sure that invitations aren't overlapping."

Harvard is not always the one to take initiative in inviting dignitaries.

Through World Boston Organization, an arm of the State Department, people from around the world request to speak with Harvard faculty members. The University marshal's office will provide the link between the outside world and Harvard.

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