
Bradley, McCain Face Crucial Test

Gore's widespread support among the national Democratic Party apparatus and the vice president's union endorsements have not made Bradley's task any easier.

Still, Ed Turlington, Bradley's deputy campaign manager, said he thinks his candidate has a shot at winning the Massachusetts primary.


Turlington said Bradley has a strong organization in the state and that the campaign has spent a lot of money, particularly on Boston-area television ads.

"If Bill can win in places like Massachusetts, it will help the race keep going," he said.

Turlington said Bradley's showing in Washington's primary last week was "disappointing", but added that today's primaries--"a snapshot of America"--will show whether Bradley's message has gotten across.

"We did it, it's over, so now we point to March 7," he said.

On the Republican side, Patterson predicted that McCain will benefit from the support of independents, as he did in New Hampshire and Michigan.

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