
A Message From the Masters: "Get a Life"

"I'm a little bit of a jack-of-all-trades. Of course, the other part of that phrase is 'and master of none,' " he quips. "These are topics I've had experience with, but we have such a rich environment. I hope to learn in every single one of them."

Most of the seminars will take place in the masters' private residence, where the living room seats about 40 people and the basement shop is ideal for fix-it demonstrations.


When it comes to the seminar on automotive repair, Palfrey anticipates a mini field trip of sorts.

"We could go out to that parking space, have people dress up in grubby clothes and check the oil, change tires and exchange radiator fluid," he quips.

And although the seminar series will receive no official funding from the College, Palfrey says the University can contribute in other ways.

"For [the seminars] that need equipment, Harvard has enough broken toilets and I have enough broken lamps," he says.

For all other costs, Palfrey says he will foot the bill.

The first seminar, topic still to be announced, is scheduled for next Monday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in Apthorp House. The seminars will only be open to Adams House residents.

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