
A Message From the Masters: "Get a Life"

"It was a lively discussion driven in a large part by seniors who wanted to learn this stuff before leaving," he says.

Adams House Committee Co-chair Jennifer J. Hoffpauir '00 says she came away from the meeting excited to take part in the seminars.


"I would like to learn how to file my taxes because I've always had my dad do them," the senior says. "And auto maintenance--maybe we'll take apart a car."

Hoffpauir says the "Life" seminars will teach real world skills where their parents may have left off.

"Ideally you would learn these things at home, but a lot of people haven't, especially at Harvard where you have a lot of people that went to boarding school," she says. "The masters are House parents in a way."

And as a father of two sons, both recent Harvard graduates, Palfrey says he knows firsthand that parents do not always teach their children everything they should.

"Some of my kids left my tutelage without knowing how to fix a broken lamp or unclog a toilet," Palfrey says.

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