
Residents Lash Out Against Harvard Development

Saundra M. Graham, a Western Avenue resident and longtime political activist, expressed concern about the possible traffic.

"We're not even a mile from Allston-Brighton," she said. "We're only over the bridge."


The residents who attended the meeting were most outraged about Harvard's plan to build a modern art museum on Western Avenue.

"From Boylston Avenue to Western Avenue there's only one open space," Graham said. "We would like to be able to see the sun sometimes [in our community]."

Residents suggested Harvard donate the land to the city as public park space.

Spiegelman bluntly said that was unlikely to occur. She stressed Harvard's desire to build the museum on the Cambridge side of the Charles.

"I think the biggest obstacle [to donating the site]is ... Harvard has another use it would like to put the site to," Spiegelman said. "I'm not going to minimize there's a big gulf" between Harvard's needs and the community's wishes.

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