
HSAS Delivers Cookies, Carols

"I'm sorry I wasn't here when the HSAS A Capella Choir came by," Ryan wrote. "The office reviews were great, but then again we have a somewhat musically challenged staff."

Although General Counsel members seemed unfazed by the protesters, Holyoke Center guards--employed by SpectaGuard--met the HSAS members as they left the office.


The guards say they responded to a call alerting them to protesters in the building.

"We support what you're doing," one guard apologetically told the HSAS members as he asked them to leave, "But we question whether it's appropriate to do it here. We have to do our job as well."

From Holyoke Center, the small crowd proceeded with their last holiday card and plateful of cookies to Loeb House, the site of the shareholder responsibility committee's offices.

They were allowed in after simply ringing the doorbell.

The students walked up two floors of the winding, red-carpeted staircase before they began caroling to Marten N.H. Liander, the associate secretary to the University.

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