


Don't Cover Election

To the editors:

In response to Rachel L. Brown's Nov. 28 letter calling for fair and equitable coverage of all Undergraduate Council tickets, I have a proposed solution: How about The Crimson covers none of them?


It would certainly be fair, equitable and would save the rest of the student body--many of whom could be presumed to not care one bit about council goings-on--from the onslaught of articles covering the election.

The table in Monday's issue listing the accomplishments of the last several council administrations serves to brilliantly underscore the truth that the council is a powerless entity that is simply not a factor in most students' lives.

With so many wonderful things happening on this campus of ours, doesn't it seem silly that The Crimson would devote so much valuable space and attention to a group that many undergrads consider--either accurately or otherwise--as a bunch of resume-building windbags?

Matthew R. Mitchell '01

Nov. 28, 2000

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