


Christopher M. Kirchhoff's column arguing against the Initiative 416 same-sex marriage ban in Nebraska ("Queer Nebraska," Nov. 15) couldn't have been more accurate.

The minority that is stridently against the Defense of Marriage Act is pounding against ignorance for now, but with a withering movement of the Religious Right--which isn't as strong as one might believe here, as this state still has its political mindset rooted in populism, which does not necessarily go lockstep with the Republican party line--and the onset of old age amongst the Baby Boomer set, it's believable that such a ban could drift away in 10 or 15 years. And yet, that is 10 or 15 years too long.


Samuel McKewon

Lincoln, Neb.

Nov. 17, 2000

The writer is opinion editor of The Daily Nebraskan.

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