
Pressure Mounts For Gore To Concede

Students express frustration with long recount process

"I don't think recounts will have much of an effect, and it's not worth the frustration to continue," said Democrat Leila Chirayath '04. "And besides, it's not like [Gore's] career is over."

Bush supporter Melissa R. Moschella '02 expressed similar thoughts.

"I supported the recount until last night, but now it's too destabilizing to the country if it continues," she said.


Some students feel it is unlikely Gore will win even if the recount is extended.

"It seems like there's little possibility unless they count the dimpled chads, which is ridiculous," Moschella said.

There are also students who do not seem to care who wins.

"I feel like people aren't that passionate about the election," Chirayath said.

"The differences between candidates aren't that marked compared to past elections, and people are content," she said.

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