
Pressure Mounts For Gore To Concede

Students express frustration with long recount process

The pressure is mounting for Vice-President Al Gore '69 to concede the presidential election.

An ABC News-Washington Post poll found that 60 percent of Americans believe Gore should give up now that Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris certified Florida for Texas Gov. George W. Bush on Sunday.

But last night, speaking on national television, Gore vowed to fight on, claiming that he has not yet received "a single, full and accurate count."


Gore is petitioning the Florida Supreme Court to call for a new election in Palm Beach County, Fla., furthering the delay in the declaration of the next U.S. president.

Last night, Gore said, "a vote is a human voice," and that "we must not let those voices be silenced."

He said he believes "the constitution matters more than convenience," in this election.

Justifying his newest request before the Florida Supreme Court, Gore said it would "ensure the greatest possible credibility for the outcome [of the election]."

Although some prominent Democrats, like former Labor

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