
The Conscience of City Council: Bob Jones

Councillors agree that Jones has become a welcome part of each week's meetings.

"He's terrific," Councillor Jim Braude says. "On any Monday night, there is no more eloquent speaker."


In fact, last December the council dedicated the podium used for public comment to Jones. A gold plaque on its front face reads, "The Cambridge City Council hereby dedicates this podium to William C. Jones in recognition of his many years of effective public testimony at its meetings."

Jones relishes the praise, showing the plaque to other residents attending the meeting without modesty.

"I talk pretty good, but I'm getting forgetful," Jones says of his speaking time.

And he's not afraid to speak his mind, even if it conflicts with the council.

"He's a straight shooter," Decker says. "He's not afraid to tell the City Council exactly what he thinks they should be doing. He's been doing that long before I was here."

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