
The Conscience of City Council: Bob Jones

"Mr. Jones is a living institution," says Councillor Marjorie C. Decker without hesitation. "I treasure him."

With a vast knowledge of city happenings over the last half-century, Jones provides a living testament to the city's past.


Speak to him even briefly, and he'll rattle off the names and terms of every mayor and city manager Cambridge has had since he has been following the council.

"He has a great institutional memory," says Councillor David P. Maher. "His stories are fascinating."

Sarah Boyer of the Cambridge Historical Commission has spoken to Jones on several occasions for research into the history of Cambridge politics as well as for the Commission's Central Square oral history project.

"He has a photographic memory of Central Square," Boyer says. "I did a walking tour with him, and he told me back to the '20s what was there practically for every business and restaurant."

"No one has a memory like Bill Jones has about [Cambridge] businesses and City Hall politics," she adds.

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