
Rain Dampens Trick-Or-Treating Spirit

Dressed as a wounded ninja, complete with a fake Chinese star glued to the right side of his face, Jacob said the rain made no difference in his decision to go trick-or-treating.

"I would have gone even it if had snowed," agreed his friend Zach, also 9, who said he was dressed as a "geek from the future."


Their mothers agreed.

"They've been talking about this all week, and couldn't be talked out of it. Besides, it's been worse," said one mother.

Sean Baylor, a 6-year-old dressed as Harry Potter, complete with bandaged black glasses and purple lightening bolt scar, also expressed his excitement.

"My mommy never buys me this much candy," he said.

Back at Harvard, not all students were cooped up in their rooms studying for midterms.

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