
Protestors Demand U.S. Withdraw Israeli Aid

Abdalla rode up with approximately 20 members of the University of Rhode Island's Islamic society.

Sara M. Hashmi '01, vice president of HIS, said HIS received an e-mail message inviting them to co-sponsor the rally on Monday morning. About 10 members rode out together from Harvard, and several others arrived over the course of the protest.


The rally's purpose was to draw attention to the conflict rather than to support any candidate.

According to Hashmi, HIS has discussed getting involved in this year's elections, but "we've stayed away from political issues in general."

"People like to pin certain extremist ideas on Muslims," added Rita Hamad '03, vice president of HSAS.

Some onlookers did so last night.

Amidst a sea of Gore, Bush and Nader signs, pro-Palestinian demonstrators carried placards reading, "Israel Must Respect International Law," "Sharon Hoots: Barak Shoots" and "Helicopter vs. Children: Not Fair."

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